Matching Gift Support

Dear Friend,
Firstly, let me say thank you so much for taking the time to read this letter! The Lord has truly been blessing our ministry to the prisons and we are closing in on our vision to be in all 50 states. We are currently one state from reaching our goal. With your help, we are hoping to reach that goal this year or next.
As you may or may not know, our ministry is funded through the gifts and offerings of people just like yourself who, by God’s grace, have been introduced to our ministry and given opportunity to invest in its work. Also, we hold various fundraising events to connect with people who have an interest and a desire to partner with us. This year we will be holding a fundraising gala on October 19th at Sarasota Baptist Church in Sarasota, Florida. We have already started registrations and are praying that we will have a full house. I am writing this letter specifically to friends that God has introduced us to who might be able to assist us in developing a matching gift that would inspire and encourage our gala participants as an incentive to their giving, and, we are hoping to raise $50,000 for the match. Consequently, anything that you can donate towards this effort would be a tremendous blessing. If it turns out that we raised more than $50,000 for this match, that would be a double blessing!
If you desire to help us, please click this link for secure on-line donations, and specify it as “matching gift” in the comment field, or contact our office (941.957.0341) for other donation options. We also ask that you would please be in prayer with us for the success of the fundraising gala and we appreciate you in whatever way you can participate!
My deepest gratitude and thanks,